Archive for the Category » Other Stuff «

Old fashioned justice

Murder trial? … over in 2 days Paedophiles? … just hang’em The good old days, THE..GOOD..OLD..DAYS

Beechworth Court

The Honorable Judge Daniel presiding; The sentence? …. “Hang the bastard”

Beechworth Gold

Ross recalls getting kicked in the agates in his guilded game against Doveton Heights primary school back in ’71. Possibly a coincidence

Death by chocolate

No really … death by chocolate. Daniels struggling


Underrated and ahead of their time. Some ideas are just brilliant in their simplicity. Combining cycling and saws … wow. It so obvious now.  This idea will spread like wildfire

Yum yum

One of Ross and Barbs two favorite indulgences .. the Beechworth Bakery. The other is Fredos Pies in Frederickson near Grafton After the round of pies for lunch we headed out into the street, got hit with the reality of the cold wet day and did an immediate about turn and headed straight back into the Beechworth Bakery for coffee and cake (to wait out the weather)

Mad House !

No, not ours; the Mayday Hills Lunatic Asylum in Beechworth.   According to the historical  documents and medical reports … the place treated “Lunatics”, “idiots” and “imbeciles”. Idiots and imbeciles?, wow, doesnt look nearly big enough.  Should see many familiar faces. There is a nut bag tour at the asylum that Ross and Barb are itching to do, but will have to leave it to another time because  Barb felt a little diagnosable … ha, no, actually because its not appropriate for Daniel. (Barbs left eye is twitching a little tho)

Tramcar restaurant

Ross and Barb a night out in the city … Casino followed by dinner clanging around the city in the Tramcar Restaurant. Ross could do anything but win at the Casino …. but he was only winning Barbs money who couldnt win a single hand. Still, it matters not where or who the free money comes from. Barb adamant she couldnt travel backwards so grabbed the foward facing side if the table. Ross knew their is a reason there is a driving cabin at both ends of the tram. What goes up must come; and in the case [ ... ]

Parkdale beach

Nice day for a wander along the beach with Daniel

Post surgery

Feeling like a prom queen all beautiful and painted pink (not sure why I’m painted pink; a twisted in-house operating theatre joke I suspect) Anyway I think it brings out the blue in my eyes


Nothing is sacred from being a blog subject. Even surgery gets a mention. Arrived at the Mercy courtesy of the Cornhole Check in time was 12 midday, so enough time for Cornhole to enjoy a lovely coffee …. im fasting but I sure he didnt do that intentionally Check in and was told I had a private room …. that excitement was short lived when I found out it was an extra $50 / day. I politely said “stuck that up your bum”. Hurry up and wait.  Sitting in a waiting room for 2 1/2 hours on the most uncomfortable seats they could find.  [ ... ]

Medical emergency

Daniel was jumping around like a goose last night, tripped on the couch and fell on his chin …. splitting his chin open for the third time. Off to the hospital for more stitches, where a secondary high alert emergency unfolded. Barbs dress was inside out ….. what an embarassment. Daniel was fixed, but Barb had to weather the fallout. “Stat, Dr Gucci, stat. Fashion disaster, emergency room one. Urgent”