Archive for the Category » 78 East Coast 14 «

Barb and Jesus

Between the craft market and Thai, Ross and Daniel needed to make a short pitstop. Standing alone, looking lost and clearly in dire need of spiritual guidance, Barb was ambushed by one of gods messengers. Barb passed on this gem to Ross. He found these particularly amusing Weeping, we get weeping …… but gnashing of teeth WTF, the wrath of god includes a  good old fashion gnashing of teeth.  Not a beating, not a good talking to, just the gnashing. Admittedly, its bloody annoying, but gnashing (without a follow up arse whipping) is hardly likely to curb sinning. He rose from the grave because [ ... ]

Back to Thai

Daniel pick dinner for tonight ….. Thai, and a Curry Laksa.  So we headed back to our favorite Thai cafe in the crappy little alley.

Craft market

Barb finally got to the craft market on the Surfers Paradise foreshore. Ross was also so incredibly stoked to get to the market too.  Ross just loves the hand painted saw blades, flattened bottle ashtrays and my god, the leather belts and leather hats; theyre to die for

Barbs pamper day

Barb had an hour facial at Endota Day Spa in Surfers today.   Ross didnt think it was possible to make Barb any more beautiful, but Barb went anyway. … but what could the boys possibly do to pass the time. After much thought, they reluctantly decided to go to Timezone Riding motor bikes and killing aliens generates an appetite, so we need a snack after.

Hand prints

A commemorative brass plaque at the Chevron Renaissance with Raquel Welch’s hand prints. Rumour has it, with Raquel’s hands in the pavement and arse in the air there was standing room only watching from behind

Mushroom coffee

Our neighbours are travellers; he is a musician who is sales repping for JCB, and his lovely partner Liz is an artist and online coffee wholesaler. Liz and Barb got chatting and Ross’ s coffee obsession became an obvious point of discussion. Liz offered some samples of her blend for us to try and give her some feedback. The particular blend arabica “instant” coffee satchels contain a special ingredient extracted from a ganoderma reishi mushroom of all things. What a ganoderma mushroom is, is anyones guess. There was some concerns that the mushrooms may have been magic! Ross tried [ ... ]

Camping would be awesome

Here’s how people learn their life long hatred of camping. Get an idea, maybe from Getaway or a Leyland Bros re-run.  Think, “wow, camping would be awesome, just like on that travel show”.  Go shopping for a tent, and see that some tents are quite expensive.  But its ok, because other tents are quite cheap. Buy the cheap one because they kinda look the same anyway.  Experience one, may two, maybe 15 nice days/nights which reinforce that camping is awesome. Get smashed by one storm.  The cheap arsed tent leaks like a vegetable strainer and because of the poly tarp floor which extends [ ... ]

Sun halo

According to a well learned gent imparting his wisdom, this halo apparently has a scientific explanation which has something to do with ice crystals, 22 degrees, and possibly the moon in Uranus … but it did look cool More surf fun for Ross and Daniel.  Barb wasnt happy with 25deg water temperture; bit cool for her

Retirement home fail

Ross has struck this retirement home off his retirement home list of candidates.   The carers are enjoying a nice relaxing chat and coffee at the shady picnic table to the left in the pic, whilst all the oldies are lined up on the grass in shit camp chairs enjoying the view of ….. well, nothing (except the BBQs) Ross suspects that if there was a picnic table 20 metres up the grass nearer the actual beach for the lazy arsed carers to sit at, the oldies may have been able to enjoy a view of the actual beach ….. and make [ ... ]

Rainy night

Rained most of the night.  It started out as a balmy, warm night with a slight breeze and all the screens open Ross was awoken at about 2am getting rained on through the mesh.  Athough the camper is comfy in the crappy weather, the rain, particularly at night, is loud on the roof and bed ends.

Seems wrong

A dude turns up at the caravan park and starts making and handing out balloon animals to the kids, including Daniel. Even when it seems legit, you seem compelled to not to leave your child alone with the “balloon man”. There is a part of you that wants the “balloon man” to know that your watching every move he makes. Cool sword tho

Yogurt goodness

It makes not an ounce of difference how good your intentions are when you are walking into the 98% fat free frozen yogurt shop …. because you will always add the chocolate and lollie stuff. Even if you start with the fruit or muesli, gauana or pumpkin seeds or lentils ….. chocolate and lollies always make their way into the tub.

Dont change a thing

Some people should not change a thing … even if they could. This experiment confirms that Ross should consider himself luck that hair is not something he’ll not need to bother himself with This hat was because it just looks incredibly cool Poo Poo Head levitating over the surf shop

Dodged the storm

We woke up this morning to see on the news that the gold coast was smashed with the storm last night.   25000 lightning strikes, a couple of deaths and 1000’s left without power. There were a few camps a little wind blown this morning, but otherwise unscathed. The southerly blowing up the coast today has ruled out the beach ….. so you just do what you can to get by Ross buys the expensive coffee …. and the Poo Poo Head gets the free iced choc; go figure

Hot day at the beach

It was another hot, humid and uncomfortable night.  Ross was up at 5.30am and Barb was up by 6am (thats not a typo … !!!!!)  Until today Barb never realised there is a 6 oclock before lunch. Barb went for a run whilst the boys played iPad games.  A short walk to the Tedder Ave shops in the heat the grab some lunch rolls and then get organised for the beach. It was hot, no wind and the 21deg water temperture was perrrrrrfect.   The surf wasnt great but fun for a swim.   Daniel loves playing in the waves and loves getting smashed [ ... ]

Chopper Reed

Say hello to your Uncle Chop Chop.  Now lets get them ears off then


Aussiana Aussie thongs …… made in China Ross always chuckles to himself when the squeezers roll out the Aussie flags and Aussie paraphernalia for Australia Day, the one day they pretend to be patriotic before returning to the unpatriotic dicks heads they were the day before and will remain for the next 363 days. All the crap they roll out and parade on Australia Day will all be bought at Woollies the day before, and every single item will be made in China.


The Draculas theatre restaurant is about 10min south in Broadbeach, and there is a shop front ticket office in Surfers Paradise. The shop has a few monsters, sells horror novelties and staff all dress up as ghouls of some description.  The shop also has a 5 story ghost house attraction.   Poo Poo head has always just loved the shop.  He has a collection of skulld he’s bought and has to  make multiple visits to it on every single holiday here (and theres been many) Daniel has dreamed of the day he could do the ghost house, “am I old enough yet?” he [ ... ]


Ross is asking if anyone knows what sort of club this is, sports, charity, chess ….. because he’s a “gentleman” he feels obliged to join.