Jan 17. Anna Bay

Day one at One Mile and access to a long beach and adjoining Tomaree National Park meant walking would be a focus for Ross and Barb.   First thing was to find a track map and options of where they could go.   The National Park is large, covering a huge percentage of the area.   We are camped at the lower part of the map on the coast at the southern end of One ile Beach.   The beach stretches north along One Mile Beach, past a rocky headland onto Samurai Nude Beach and then into the Tomaree National Park at the far northern end of Samurai.

Day one at One Mile and beach was treacherous.   Barb standing on the beach gives some scale to the ferocity of the sea

The rocks that seperate One Mile Beach from Samurai Beach.   The lower tide gave Ross and Barb an easy path, but that was the one and only time.

Still, with the relentless waves smashing the rocks Ross and barb had to pick the moment to cross without getting hit with this

At the northern end of Samurai Beach a sand track leeds up into the Tomaree National Park.   That gave access to many long kilometres of paths to follow to clock up the kms.   The tracks leed all over the National Park and onto toward the other major beaches and tourists areas.

Typical track through the Tomaree National Park

Barbs FitBit wasnt reflecting the right distance, and need to calibrated with the size of Barbs stride.   Ross had intentions to do the calibrations for weeks, but only thought of it whilst they were actually walking.   The thought entered Ross’s mind in the middle of Samurai Beach.   Armed with the camera and his shoe for measurement Ross had Barb walk at her normal stride and he measured the his full shoe end to end measurement to the match a full stride which turned out to be 11 shoe length to 5 of Barbs shoe prints at normal strides.   A photo was taken to record the results and the result were used back at camp with a tape measure to set the FiBits stride at 845mm …. maybe not high tech, but effective anyway

The turn around point for Ross and Barb in the Tomaree National Park.   The photo was actually taken so Ross could use the the GPS location recorded on the photo to work out how close to 10km we walked …. turned out to be almost spot on 10km

At the northern end of Samurai Beach right where the steep sandy track leads into the Tomaree NP, is a beach free camp in the dunes where primarily nudists set up camp.   The camp area can be seen from the top of the sandy track, its a fully self contained free camp area with no amenities whatsoever including no available water.   Access is only by 4×4.   Samurai Beach is a car beach, and access to the beach is via long deep soft sand track coming out around the middle of the beach, the entire beach is clothing optional and the free camp area is at the extreme northern end.

The walk along Samurai Beach is visual smorgasbord of tits, bums and dicks …. typically many more dicks

Back along One Mile Beach at the southern end is our caravan park and surf club.   The beach was actually closed to swimming by the life savers and for very good reason, with warning signs saying exactly that … yet some brain dead f@#k wit parents sit on the beach right in front of the beach closed sign and watch nonchalantly as their little kids wander down into the water.   These clowns have paid no attention to the small boy washed out to sea late last year in exactly the same circumstances; caught in the wash and dragged out and never found

An older Jayco wind up camper much the same as the one Ross had many years ago.   Still going strong

The afternoon was dedicated to Go Kart racing, and what an awesome past time that was found to be

Daniel on the warm up lap

Ross taking the challenge far too seriously

Afternoon free sausage sizzle put on by the caravan park

On the way home from the IGA in Anna Bay, traffic ground to a halt for a bunch of ducks who couldnt make up their minds who was in charge and which irection they wanted to go

Category: 74 East Coast 2017
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