Byron Bay day 3

Our Byron Bay location on Google

Nothing to do with our holiday, but Ross’s son Ben and his mad mates used an excavator to build a 60metre slip’n’slide on the side of a hill into a farm dam …. the Youtube video

The day started out with a “walk”. Now a walk in Ross’ s coding is a casual stroll, in and out of a few surf shops, interlaced with the odd flat white; possibly a focacia. A walk can never be catergorised as fitness ….. unless you walk with either Barb, or as Ross discovered ex-military Kieron.

Ross already knows what Barb is like, but Kieron’s offer for a walk kind of snuck up on him a bit; the result turning into a arduous and torturous assault on the lighthouse. Relief came only when Kieron spotted the odd photo opportunity, which Ross actively encouraged through tears and sweat and puffing.

Thank god he was carrying a bloody leg injury …..

Ross and Kieron met Barb, Sarah and the kids at The Pass, a beach access point closer to Wategoes Beach at the extreme southern end of Byrons main beach. Barb was thinking of the beach closer to Byron and both Daniel and Finley had rash issues which turned the adventure a little sour unfortunately.

Ross and Kieron took the boys back to Byron in the car, while the girls walked back the couple of km’s into town. We then all ended up at the public pool next to the caravan park.


Oddly, you pay entry to the public pool via the Fish Heads licensed restuarant …. so it was no surprise when the two life guards spent most of their time moving around boxes of booze about the place.


There wasnt anyone obviously drowning, and keeping up the booze stocks is a critical component of any public pool worth its salt. Apparently swimming can be more fun when life guard sanctioned boozing is on the menu. Some ideas are just good …… others?????

One of the life guards resembled an old fat Frank Zappa dragging his ample arse and gut around the pool, with the single focus of grog. It was slightly insulting that he was wearing full Life Saving Australia regalia, he should have been wearing a Linfox uniform. His life saving skills were in serious question, but his grog carrying capabilities were absolutely first class

Ross and Barb unfortunately had to re-organise the towel cupboard and missed lesson two of the Lateral Ground Based Sub Tropical Frog Pilates. Kieron was later found practising the Reverse Bike Stand manouver. Quite an advanced move, dont try it at home. (Any wonder his leg is rooted)

Kieron and Ross headed to the pub to solve the world’s big issues whilst enjoying a few well earned largers and a lovely view.

With most of the worlds problems solved, the time came for the hunter gatherers of the tribe to source some food for the girls. It was a disappointing and complete waste of man skills when the order was for Dahl (whatever the hell that is). Ross was tricked into buying Lentil based “food” at the shop of yogi sympathisers.

When Ross saw the menu and restaurant name he passed out and had to have an immediate meat injection to stop him lapsing into a coma. The sales assistant was pretty grumpy for a mung bean eating free range hippie. Welcome to the real world honey; not much fun when you have to work, is it.


A follow up visit to fish and chip shop brought Ross around

“Dahl”?? Thats something Desi Arnaz called Lucile Ball when he kiss her good night …… you cant eat it.

This is what you look like after a huge day

Category: 78 East Coast 14
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