9. Dalmeny

It rained and it rained and it rained … all day. Mostly not heavy, mostly drizzle, and mostly all day. Add a cold breeze and some wind gusts.

We’ve had a pretty good run with the weather, so one day of rain isnt so bad.

We amused ourselves with TV, movies, some business business on the laptop, some Xbox, some website updates, sone blogging and some reading.

We also got some of our favourite entertainment from the tent campers we could watch directly out the kitchen window.

One family spread out over 4 small tents refused to be denied the fantastic absolute beachfront holiday. They staunchly refused to give up, and defiently sat out in their pajamas, thongs and Mt Everest blizzard jackets in the cold, gusty rain bravely maintaining a pitiful fire refusing to accept the BOM forecast, the physical facts or the frostbite

But the relentless onslaught of weather finally wore them down, and dad started the depressing task of dismantling the camp and the 4 tents in the rain. He made many sad clown zombie walks past our window carrying many pieces of their camping equipment, including at least one of the tents. All of which ended up in the industrial dump bin up near the shower block

They piled all 6 drenched people and what was left of their soaked camping gear into a small SUV and disappeared into the misty drizzle. We’re pretty confident they’ll never camp again.

In contrast, even its horrendous weather when we break camp and Outdoor Packup Manager Ross get drenched, he just finishes the pack up, jumps in the van shower, throws his wet clothes in the washing machine and we’re good to go.

Meanwhile, an odd view out the lounge window. Straight through the open van door of the nieghbours van was the unimpeded view of their throne … what an odd place to place a toilet in a caravan. In a caravan park, 90% of the time someone will have the unfortunate view we have today.

The other family of 4 directly in front seemed to handle the misery a little better. They would pop out occasionally dressed in warm wet weather gear and then disappear back into the their tent, much like we do at home when the weather is crappy.

Then it dawned us, they have 2 young kids, no power and the micro thin nylon tent would be the exact same temp inside as out. They spent 95% of the time inside the tent, and we became obcessed with what the hell they were doing to a. Stay warm b. Stay sane c. Keep the kids amused.

The treasure chest from Barb and Daniels Joint Mining Venture … fossicking with the metal detector on the beach

The opposing view of us from the foreshore looking back

Those with caravans will find this very interesting, auto hydraulic leveling rams fitted on a caravan. For the rest of you, this post finished at the pic above

This caravan park is sloped sigificantly in both directions, their is no excavation on any site so most folk have a slope of some degree despite ramps and chocks. The sigificance of the van above is they have no ramps out, and the van is levelled purely with the rams

So, in the warmth and comfort of our diesel ducted heated van, with satellite TV feeding 3 TVs, along with a wifi network we can easily amuse ourselves with the added entertainment of other peoples wet weather misery.

One other campground phenomenon is the half arsed campsite setup routine. Which Ross suspects is a new age development. When Ross tent camped, he would up camp fully each and every time. With this new world procedure of the half arsed campsite set up, as soon as rain or wind hits you will hear tent pegs being hit all over the campground as people rush about in tje rain and wind doing what they should have done in the first place

Fish and chips tonight from the Dalmeny fish shop. We’ve done that twice now, on 2 seperate trips here so its a tradition

Category: 71 Broulee Sept18
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