21 Merry Beach

Bit of drizzle early evening, but not much wind

Forecast today is for a very warm day with 50km winds developing after lunch

After all the angst created over our initial booking here if 6 days and being moved off and then back onto the beach front site etc we were asked politely if we would consider moving one site left to allow the people booked either side of us to be together … which we ablidged

Those two sites have remained vacant for 4 days. We can only imagine the arse reeming that would have occured had we found ourselves in the shity crammed centre of the park and watched as these sites remain vacant.

An early morning walk to the northern end if the beach with Max. Daniel wasnt too interested in swimming so didn’t put his bathers on. Ross on the other hand decided to have a swim. The water was noticably warmer and large breaks started rolling in. Daniel ran back to camp to change into his bathers

We moved around south about midway because the under tow at the southern was very strong.

Daniel got well and truly smashed repeatedly

It was great to go for an early swim before breakfast

There are 2 blue potable water taps behind the reception at the other end of the park where we get our potable water to decant into the van.

We carry 75 ltrs in 3 x jerry cans combined, so one trip to the taps fills almost one of our two onboard caravan tanks.

Here where water is abundant and we only need to collect it, and we’re using around one 82ltr caravan tank every day.

Thats a vast contrast to freecamping up north where water was not so easy to find and we often rationed our daily usage to around 20lts per day including showers.

Having a 12v decanting pump beats having to pour the jerrys in with a funnel

No more single use plastic bags from the supermarkets for us to use in the bin ? ….. ha, like hell idiots. Youll need to do way better than that. Like any good plan, we’ve been quietly prepping for many months and we’ve got ninety ten gazillion of those bags … enough to pick up dog shit and line our caravan rubbush bin for the next 4 generations.

Wind or dwarfs? Who knows really, although it is quiet windy today …. but there’s also a dwarf convention up the road as well.

The wind sprung up late morning as forecast, but 10kph below the BOM prediction, peaking at around 40kph.

The wind kept numbers on the beach lower than the last few days.

The roos were out very early today. Max was relatively content to sit and watch these 17 roos feeding … and teasing him with there apathy

A morning getting smashed in the surf wasn’t enough for Daniel, so Ross and Daniel headed back to the surf mid afternoon with the boogie board and backup toob.

After getting hammered in the large dumping shore break, Daniel suggested Ross have climb aboard the toob

We got a reasonably good run out of the backup toob considering the waves here at Merry Beach have been pretty big. Unfortunately the backup toob eventually succumbed to the pounding and became another casualty

Our fridge has iced up significantly faster than it ever has previously. We’ve made a few changes to the fridge to increase its efficiency and those modifications have made a substantial improvement. We’ve added some storage tubs so we’re guessing the tubs are restricting circulation causing the icing up.

Icing up in a van fridge is very common, it just usually takes longer than 3 weeks.

Ross hit it with Barbs hairdryer and melted most of the ice within a few minutes, quickly replaced the contents and to our surprise the fridge had all but recovered within an hour.

Category: 70 East Coast 2018
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