22 Merry Beach

The wind eventually dropped off last night, but it then became still and humid. Cant have everything … apparently

Daniel got an escape room game for Xmas. The game uses a tablet App and a series of numbered cards to replicate one of those physical adventure games. Its really well done but its a one shot game which takes about an hour. Theres one timed path to a successful end and once its done, its done.

Daniel’s special gift was firing on all cylinders and he was in his zone. He was picking up clues neither Ross or Barb could see. It was a really good game and its part of a series, so we’ll have to hunt down the other versions for Daniel

This morning the fridge was cooler than it was yesterday. Thats expected because icing will reduce efficiency. What is surprising is the overall increase in fridge efficiency since we installed a edge distributing internal fan.

Our particular fridge is smaller than most typical newer caravan fridges, and an older kind of styling. It doesnt look as flashy as the new design fridges, although Ross fitted a gloss black front to the door which lifts and modernises its appearance.

When we had the van built we included this particular fridge because although is not as big as we could fit thats what we had in the last van, and that fridge performed very well

There is a ton of issues and complaints across social media regarding absorbtion caravan fridges in general. Every day someone is whinging about one or another, particularly when its hotter weather.

We wanted what we knew worked well and made a wise choice because both our fridges have performed flawlessly in every environment imaginable.

Ross and Barb went for a very reluctant 9km walk. It was already warming up by 8.30am. Daniel loves Ross and Barb’s fitness regime because he has unfetted use of the Xbox and internet when theyre gone.

The walk turn around was the northern end of Shell Beach. Our caravan park is around the distant point, central in this pic

Cleaning a decent boat catch at the Shell Beach boatramp. Must not be a common sight because it was drawing a lot of attention from a gathering crowd

Just to left of the fish cleaning table is a shollow 4 inch gravelly stone filled hollow in rocks maybe 8 or 10 foot across which would otherwise go un-noticed, accept for the sign reading “Sea Lice reported in pool” … pool? Really, pool you say.

On the walk out we came across “roadworks”, a term loosely used everywhere to describe all manner of one man jobs performed by many more than required. For this ocassion it was one guy sweeping the footpath path, one guy sitting in a digger and two guys supervising the often mischievous witches hats.

This sign was at the northern approach to the roadworks. Youll note the painted grass in front of the sign. We’re just trying to imagine the conversation about sign placement back at the Footpath Sweeping R Us Dept, explaining why the guy with the paint just doesnt just take the f$%king sign with him.

At least then the sign would have been correctly located on that very important locational line … its so hard to get people to follow simple instructions, even when you draw it for these simpltons.

Ross has finally decided on our next freedom machine, but Barb isnt so sure. Ross has crunched the numbers, analysed the data and the only tow vehicle left standing is …….

… yes you guessed it, the Landcruiser LC78 series Troopy. Hmmm, not as comfy or as spunky as other offerings, but ticks more boxes as a long term offroad and tow capable vehicle.

Ross tried to cook bacon and eggs on the Weber this morning, but the wind kept blowing the bloody thing out.

This is the inflatable gazebo we mentioned previously. It seems pretty cool, and just as stable if not more so than its metal framed cousin. Another identical unit further up has 3 side walls attached, if one or two of those wall could be bug mesh it would be perfect.

Unfortunately at $450 as cool as they are, theyre a little cost prohibitive

Its not all chasing leaves, sniffing bums and licking my nuts; sometimes kick’in back in my chair and with classic rock is all a fur baby requires … baby.

The wind was really ripping through the park this afternoon. Although our awning is anchored, eventually given a strong enough wind we’ll be forced to roll it in … and there lies the problem.

The well anchored awning will withstand quite high wind, but at that point where the wind becomes too strong its now well past the point of being able to retract it, so it then reverts to faith … grab a can, hold on tight and hope for the best.

Quiet a few sites vacated today and the caravan park now resembles a normally occupied non Xmas period chaos caravan park. There are vacant sites dotted about everywhere and plenty of people have packed all but the essentials ready for a quick getaway tomorrow morning.

We’re in the later group because we leave tomorrow and head further south along the coast. We gave everything packed bar the one chair for the early riser to enjoy his ritual coffee.

No wind at all now, just a very light breeze.

Category: 70 East Coast 2018
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