Nelson Bay day 3

A question to ponder.   Barb often forgets her wallet.  In fact, as late as yesterday in the chemist, Barb apologised with a wry giggle.  The odd thing is she never, ever forgets to make sure Ross is in possession of his wallet before we leave the camper.

Not sure about the signed time limit on alcohol free areas, its not like drunken irresponsible dickheads will vanish.Should be worth the trip up for when they turn the grog back on, on the 1st of Sept 2015 after a 4 year dry spell. There’ll be some pretty thirsty dudes around by then.
A walk along the beach produced some messages of love carved into the sand

A little later in the morning when we went to the surf club for a coffee, it appears that some of the love had faded …………… not sure if there is a message in that but Barb did seem a little distant as we walked past.
Spiderman Spiderman. Daniels first Spider. If you sell Spiders, Spider Law says Lime Spider must be among those on offer ….. in the unaccepable absence of Lime, Daniel opted for Orange
The verdict? ???? It was ok, but the Spider would have been better without the icecream. Huh? Wouldnt it just be Fanta.

Daniel made time in his schedule for some playground R & R
We were burning a little time waiting for low tide to walk around to the spit … you may recall the conflicting tide charts against Barbs anonymous surfclub chalkboard oracle.

Ross was up early this morning, quietly checking the proper tide charts, after which he jogged up to the surf club and checked the anonymous chalkboard oracles offerings …. ran back to camp and adjusted Barbs watch by winding it back 30min. Now when Barb checks her incorrect watch against the incorrect surfclub chalkboard oracle … we can all happily wander over to the spit, in the misguided belief we are relying on anyone other than Ross. Not drowning will be the only reward Ross needs.

Barb will be blissfully unaware and happy in the knowledge Ross is still wrong. Ross says sometimes taking a hit is a small price to pay. Thats what love is all about … putting your chin out, and being thankful for the punch.

We had what was originally planned as a light brunch at the surf club cafe before walking up to the spit.
Daniel ordered fish and chips, and like a midget food critic reminded us not to forget the lemon wedges as he departed for the playground next door

We got to the spit on dead low tide as predicted by Barb (ha ha). On the way to the spit, there were some warning signs for the cautious to take heed of.


The spit was still covered in water, and way too deep and ominous to even contemplate crossing. We met a local on the beach and while Daniel played with his dog, he told us about a tourist who tried to take on the spit last year and died as a result. It would be awesome to see the spit exposed, and be able to get accross to the island … maybe next time.

Quite a few stingers on the beach on the walk back. We didnt see any walking up, so they must have blown in as the tide flowed out.

Dinner at the surfclub tonight. Nice food in a nice venue with a great view.

These guys were packing up to leave and we were wondering if they attach a wheel to the stick, or someone has to run next to the van holding the stick

With Australia Day signalling the end to the holidays, a day of leeway has made way for the onslaught of retirees and grey nomads. Our new elderly neighbours arrived with their one week old 22 foot long Legend Envy caravan behind the new Jeep. In a twist, the wife was driving and the husband was guiding. Ross couldnt help but share his surprise along with his adulation. Hubby explained he drives to the destination and then they swap. He then guides her into position. The theory is he has a better understanding of when to turn and by how much, so all she has to do is follow his instrustions ………… they still frigged about for ages.

Their van was gleaming and they potted about when another 20 odd footer came down the street being towed by an elderly guy. Ross was looking out the window and thought this guys going to take out the new Legend next door

Next second …… crunch, too late. He stopped from hitting the neighbours van only because he ripped the street sign out first and stopped.

That old guy then had to get the caravan park dude to place his van on the site, and his site was on a open corner with not a single obstacle in sight. Daniel could have backed it in. Puts some truth to the stories of older people who have never towed a billy cart, retiring and buying a huge van for their retirement.

Category: 78 East Coast 14
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