Main Beach. Day 8

30deg and feels like 35. For whatever reason its really hot today even though the temperture is only marginally higher than its been the last few days.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water … a mass infestation along the Gold Coast and into the broadwater of Catostylus Mosaicus. (Thats Blue Blubber Jelly Fish to the dumbies)



Although the blue blubbers arent described as dangerous, they do have a sting …. not a really bad sting like the Blue Bottle stingers that we had last week, but enough to extract plenty of whinging and moaning.

The blue blubbers dont have a brain and they dont swim. If thats true, its difficult to understand how they all end up in the same place at the same time ….. until the comparison is made to the CentreLink dole queue. Then it all makes sense.

It bloody hot too … which is a bit of a turd sandwich as far as the choice of preferred options for us. Although it is blissfully climate controlled in the van, we prefer to be at the beach … or at least have the beach on the list of options.

We were at the beach Thursday and Daniel was enjoying himself in the surf. After an hour or so he complained about itching and stinging. Ross has since heard people complaining about bitie sea lice. Ironically, the local jelly fish expert whos suddenly appeared as a result of the plague of blue blubbers, said sea lice is a common catch all name people tend to throw out for anything irritating in the sea.

That maybe so, but still, Daniel certainly was affected by something and a few people are talking about annoying bities in the water. Ross was in the water the whole, and Barb for not much less, and although Ross did feel some minute tingling, he put it down to heat and sweat mixed with salt water

Barb went to the Endota Day Spa today for a massage whilst Daniel and Ross fuelled up on frozen yogurt and headed to EB Games to check out the Xbox offerings and maybe try to sneak a BBG (Barb Banned Game) back through Xbox customs, to the van unseen …. only drawback is Daniel dobs on Ross, and himself, constantly.

Ross was handed this small business card size card by a pleasant smiling lady as she passed by in the Cavill Mall. A nice gesture, probably something about the upcoming Australia day and all that. Ross believes he is a Good Aussie, in fact on Australia Day Ross will be carrying and flying only flags that are made right here in an Australia factory by other good old Aussies ….. he wont blow the one day a year patriot horn by waving a Chinese made Australian flag bought with the BBQ sausages on Australia Day morning at a Supermarket.

Turned the card over, as you do ……. shit, didnt see this coming

We just witnessed the cultural anomolie; a twilight zone of tattooing … a Japanese guy with a Japanese character tattoo. Thats just not right. We whities have the unconfirmed, leap of faith, Japanese character tattoos that we presume mean what they tell us …. he should have “Sock Puppet” or “I Love Pizza” or some other english saying his has no clue about, tattooed on himself.

Thats the way it should work.

Apparently when girls turn 40, they celebrate by looking as 50 as possible, and dressing like this …. at lunchtime

New Xbox games in hand and as luck would have it, a Starbucks close to Endota …. what luck.

A quick coffee break; and Ross has decided he’ll become someone else each time he buys a Starbucks coffee.

Today he is Josè the Spanish Appalachian horse trainer. The guy behind the jump didn’t seemed convinced. He’ll be even less convince tomorrow when Ross becomes Xiang Quong the Taiwanese holy spiritual healer

We’ve just kicked into to our second week here at Main Beach and with the substantial amount of vacant sites we’ve just checked online for the current weekly rate partly to compare other accomodation options and partly to see if they have reduced the rates due to vacancies

If we booked for arrival tomorrow for a week on a powered site the fee is $549. The smallest comparative onsite accomodation is a small 2 bedroom apartment which is $1827 for the week.

Theres a beach volley ball event on in Surfers. After we were all done and heading back to the car we stopped to watch the volley ball on the main court. As we found a shady piece of concrete to sit on … the game finished and they walked off. No problem, the music was thumping, there were plenty of players on bean bags off to the side …. we’ll just wait for the next game.

After about 30min it was obvious nothing was going to happen. The other courts lower on the beach had a few people but they looked more like Ross and his mates having a muck about. There were a lot a courts set up but precious little volley ball being played.

Unfortunately theres no photos of the actual Surfers Paradise volley ball, but heres an internet pic of a quality beach volley ball game in progress, and more importantly what the followers of beach volley ball generally come to look at

….. oh look; they use a ball

Category: 76 East Coast 2015
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