Nambucca Heads day 2

Beautiful start to the day today, the sun was shinning, no wind and a bit of a sleep in to boot.

Ross went to bed with clothes placed in military precision position to enable rapid deployment in case of indigenous activity. Unfortunately he forgot to take into account he sleeps like he’s dead, and wouldnt wake up if the thieves took his pillow from under him.

We were awoken at 4am by Optus txt message to Barbs phone confirming her recharge quite a few days ago in Seal Rocks. The bewitching hour, the magical 4am. Indigenous pilfering time as advised by the caravan park wanderer last night. To much of a coincidence Barb thought, and she did 180 degree surveillance out our windows. Her mind had made a person out of a tree outside our camper, with Ross saying what are you doing and Barb doing a very loud SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, as she watched the stationary tree.

Daniel awoke about 7am and Ross got up and turned on the satellite cartoons ….. nothing …. sometimes trees and wind in through tree cover plays games with the signal but there was not a breath of wind, and we had completely clear skies. The first immediate thought was the satellite dish was stolen. A quick check and it was still there, a check inside and the cartoons were on.

Across the road from us is a ……. Swagman Australian Dream motor mansion. Ross retracts his largest motor home in the cosmos statement made in South West Rocks. This mammoth motor mansion had given birth to a Honda Civic which dragged along behind. It opened up in all directions like a Transformer. The satellite dish opened p and spun around like it was locking missiles onto enemy aircraft.


Every day people are coming and going all day long, caravan parks are like ant nests. Vans and camper and cars pour in during the day, with others clearing out each morning.

We headed north to Valla South beach as our best option for surf, but it was just a wind blown chop. We drove to Scotts Head beach, about 15 km south of Nambucca Heads. Although the surf shop guy told us the sand bar had been destroyed by storms and the renown surf gone, we had to have a look because it was such a fantastic beach with unforgettable surf. The beach was different to how both Barb nor Ross remember it. The wind was howling and the surf was just rough chop.

We headed back into town and waited for the ebbing tide so we could take Poo Poo Head to the shallows in the inlet. Barb and Ross chased crabs whilst Poo Poo Head just mucked around. We used the plastic toy shovel to dig out little solder crabs and watch them burrow back into the sand.

Poo Poo Head decided you just cant be too safe, and thought it a good idea to wear his helmet whilst mucking about on the sand.

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The water had a very fine almost ‘misting’ of metallic looking debris floating in clouds in the little waves that left unusual patterns in the sand as it was deposited by the retracting waves.


When nature calls …. or when Poo Poo Head yells “piddle time”, we just go.


The same recent storm that left debris at South West Rocks has obviously left carnage all up and down the coast. At the end of the breakwater is Wellington Beach that is just covered in timber; some of which was enormous.


As Ross was looking around some weird guy turned up carrying a push bike across the beach over the debris onto the rocks, and then proceeded to ride around the headland over the rocks ….. Ross stood stunned trying to process what was happening.


The headland was being battered by huge swells and strong winds, and was hard enough to walk on, without trying to ride a bike over it. The rock face extends a long way and is very unusual to look at. The entrance to the Nambucca River looks treacherous today, and we’re sure it would get a lot worse in really bad weather. Although the entrance is rough, it is wide with huge sand bars across it leading into very calm, but fast running water.

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A safe swimming spot is behind the breakwater. Although the water still runs fast when the tide is running, it provides a relatively safe spot. In the middle of the inlet is a large sand island that is exposed at low tide and about 2 foot deep at high tide. It looks quite odd when people are walking on it knee to waist deep in the middle of the inlet at high tide


This is a pic of our bed opened up to take advantage of the breezes during the night …. beats using the aircon.


Barb was desperate to have another fish this evening, but Poo Poo Head didnt have a sleep today, and Ross was a bit worn out and couldnt be bothered. Barb didnt want to go by herself so will have to wait for another time.

Message for Steve ……. people thought we were odd when we both bought those funny (in your case stinky) canvass shoes. News break Bro, they’re aren’t shoes they’re sandles and they cost $100 up here.

No-one is laughing at us now because we set this new trend for a small $20 outlay at the Rivers seconds sale. We shall be always known from this day on as fashion trend setters. I cant believe people are paying so much for the trend we set. Although most people seem to be going for the non stinky version, like me


Check out the web site Sanuk Sandles

We’re off the Byron Bay tomorrow morning. It will be a bit of a drive so we have worded up the Poo Poo Head to prepare him for it. With all the bad press (mostly Ross’s), Nambucca Heads was still a great spot. Possibly not as good as memories had it, but good none the less. We didnt have any dramas and if not for the wind it would have been terrific. We’ll definitely be back.

P.S. from Barb…Did I jinx myself?! In my own defense – Daniel was in a foul mood (no nap…we tried!) and Ross was past it and yes..I didn’t want to go down and fish by myself. The only place close by was by the breakwall and I may have been desperate to fish but certainly not stupid. If I didn’t want to get snagged again, I’d have to climb down to the closest rocks to the water and I’ll be dammed if I do that without someone else around to jump in a save me if I happen to “drop” in. It will keep…..xx

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