South West Rocks … again

We decided late last night to come south along the coast to Sydney and then re-assess from there as to whether we head down the Hume via Canberra (Barb has never visited our nations capital city) or see if we have enough time to continue along the coast.   Although we didn’t need to toss a coin, a few drinky poo’s must have helped.   The recent heat and fires helped in the decision.

Our first stop after Yamba on the road south to our little house just happened to be the new replacement for the bestest most favourite place in the cosmos (Nambucca Heads) …. South West Rocks.   The travel distance fitted nicely at about 4 hours, which will allow a couple of nights.

Poo Poo Head traveled really well with Barb sitting in the back with him most of the way.   Ross isn’t sure if that should been a warning of what was to come ….. the so called calm before the storm.

We arrived in South West Rocks to a wind storm like we’d never experienced before.   It has not stopped blowing like a hurricane since we arrived … straight off the sea.   The skies are relatively clear, but the wind has continued to increase in ferocity until now, 9pm, where it feels like a tornado in (and out) of the camper.

Its blowing so hard we have closed the rear bed for fear it will rip the fibreglass bed lid right off the camper.   The camper is buffeting about in the wind gusts like a couple of guys are pushing against the sides.   (Ross checked, and there is no-one outside).   Ross also tied down the front bed fibreglass lid to the camper drawer bar.

Poo Poo Head is currently asleep in our bed, and we plan to transfer him to the couch cushion on the floor later.

Ross is thinking about dropping the roof of the camper completely just to try to reduce to noise and turbulence a bit so we might be able to get some sleep.   The camp site on the rise above the beach looking directly out to sea that was so fantastic the first time around, has turned into a horrible and uncomfortable spot in this horrendous wind.

The door of the camper opens into the wind and literally has to be pushed with 2 hands to open to be able to get out.

One consolation is, for the first time, ironically we are getting a perfect TV picture on all normal TV channels …. and the aerial that has been useless until now is providing a great picture whilst lying flat of the camper roof.   Lucky, because the wind would have been ripped off the roof anyway if a wound it up.

We feel sorry for the people in tents about the place …. they are flapping about like dish rags.   We actually feel more sorry for ourselves,  but we have some compassion for the tent people.

The forecast for tomorrow is for a warm’ish breezy day. so hopefully this wind will die off during the night.   We are booked here for two nights, but if this wind continues we will probably donate the second nights fees, and move south and find somewhere else to spend a couple of days.

Although we have some photos and video, we’re not posting them tonight.

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