Mooloolaba day 7

Ross was up at 5.30am prepping for a fish today. He scoured the internet, weather bureau, fishing forums, solar cycles and tide charts. Ouija board, horoscopes and moon stones. He even secretly sneaked into our neighbours boat hoping to find a trace of some clues. He wandered off to the beach to check the physical conditions …. but he still has no idea how to catch fish.

If enthusiasm makes up for skill, he should do ok.

But he isnt prepared to allow a complete lack of knowledge of fishing get in the way. Think big, plan big, act big. This time he feels that actually taking the fishing rods with him may go some way toward a successful fishing trip, although he’s not entirely convinced of that.

Not much to report today. Ross (blog master) spent most of the afternoon out in the kayak. The houses that line the Mooloolaba river and canals are amazing along with the massive boats.



The fishing was crap (or the fisherman was crap). Ross decided to rob a bank instead because he was already appropriately dressed.

Couldnt even find the bloody bank either ….. oh the shame. At least no one will recognise him.

It was quite a pleasant afternoon paddling around. Its never quite as hot when your only 6 inches off the water either.

The marina has a small yacht school which seemed to be doing very short course match racing

Everywhere we go thats nice, Barb decides she wants to live there. She even scoures all the real estate windows to see what we could get for our $174.67

This is the long and winding road from the caravan park to the beach …. all 50 feet of it

Ross was shit out of luck when he discovered the Psychic Fair is on the day after we leave. Ross just loves psychics and stuff. He’s a 100% genuine believer. Dickheads should have used their psychic powers and scheduled it earlier so Ross could share a mind meld.

Starbucks is getting worse …… Babra. In a couple of days it will be just Bab.

Amnesia Clothing ……. is that just an excuse for naked???

Category: 78 East Coast 14
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